“Wild Drishti 1: Maasai Mara, Nairobi Mombasa” An extended color version of this will come one day. Who knows when. Approximately one slow month of filming, editing and design in Kenya at the Karen Village Residency followed by one fast week of Illustration, Animation, and Compositing in Brazil at Kaaysá Residency. I’ve shot so much footage for this series over the years. It feels good to finally finish one. Done is always better than perfect.
I do not own the rights to this music: Muungano National Choir – Sanctus

Here is the process video for “Wild Drishti 1: Maasai Mara, Nairobi Mombasa.” I’ve worked on this project on an off over about 5 years on 3 different continents. It also offers a sneak peak at what the color version will look like one day. While I first shot footage for this concept in 2017 in SF, the actual production began in 2018 during my first a residency in Tasmania with all that we are – Tasmania. I learned a lot from that one. Mainly that I can’t expect myself to be a tourist, film, and design characters and finish an animation in 2 weeks. A redesign followed a year later. Being in Kenya for a month before my residency with Karen Village started gave ample time to explore and shoot before focusing on editing and illustration. Similarly arriving in Brazil a bit before Kaaysá art residency was similarly helpful. Upon arrival I was given the option to show something for the group show that was 1 week away. Accepting this wasn’t necessary, but gave me a good reason to push myself in starting and finishing the full animation and tracking process to wrap the first one of these. Meeting this deadline meant I needed to scale back the scope. I dropped about 30 seconds of scenes and color theory. I don’t own the rights to this music: Muungano National Choir – Kaunga Yachee
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