“Routes to Revolution” 2020
The days and weeks following the Deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd there has been a swelling of support for the #blacklivesmatter movement. I’ve found it interesting to notice the paths to that support. Many have been fighting this fight since before most of us were born paving the way. Some joined the fight early as the knew right from wrong, Some have shown short burst of support that die off and start up again later. Some are Allies in solidarity, for others the fight is personal. Some support has wavered over time through different events. Some support rose then leveled off only to rise again. Some who were apathetic or opposing have began to support recently. Some have devoted their lives to this fight.

Here is an animation I made of the piece for the #BLM week of the #mondaychallenge
I also got the opportunity to create a Mural of the piece in partnership with @Paintthevoid and The Donatello Hotel in Downtown San Francisco. This two panel Mural was painted over boarded up glass doors. This was my second mural and first time painting in about 10 years. Was a real challenge, but happy to accept it.
Prints and apparel of the piece are available in my online shop.

The mural took 4 days to complete. Below is a time-lapse of the process.
Here’s “Routes to Revolution 2” 2021 In celebration of Pride Month. It uses several (but not all), of the flags associated with the LGBTQ+ community to rally against the remaining discriminatory practices and ideals they face. Its especially important for minority groups to support one another. I created this exactly one year after the original “Routes to Revolution” It’s interesting to think about what has changed since then and what hasn’t. I had this idea immediately after finishing the first one, but wanted to give it space to breath. I honestly had no idea there were so many flags. Was fun to research, and a challenge to make them work together. You can learn more about them here.

This piece was vinyl wrapped on a Diversity bus in St Pete FL. Read more here.